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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Health Benefits
Increased Energy

Increased Energy

I take prescription medication that suppresses central nervous system activity, making it hard for me to get up in the morning. In BC, the online chanting and Board of Directors discussions take place on Saturday mornings at 6:30 am. When the suspension of in-person activities happened, I was excited to have the opportunity to chant […]
Turning around PTSD

Turning around PTSD

How does one begin to recover peace of mind following traumatic life experiences? Tom’s story includes a military tour in Vietnam which left him with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a diagnosis of cancer from exposure to Agent Orange. He discovered that with Taoist Tai Chi® arts, turning around PTSD is indeed possible. Tom tells […]


Au moment où toutes les classes ont été interrompues, nos directeurs ont été rassurants avec des consignes simples et nous ont offert l’opportunité de pratiquer le chanting.  J’ai voulu en découvrir les bienfaits.  Après quelques semaines, à ma grande surprise, aux bienfaits physiques (posture, concentration, voix plus forte), s’est ajoutée la joie de chanter pour […]
World MS Day

World MS Day

I have MS and was getting petrifying attacks of paralysis. Within four months of beginning Taoist Tai Chi® arts, I could move again and my balance had improved. Taoist Tai Chi® practice is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. ~Sylvia
Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

I have ankylosing spondylitis which primarily affects my spine. When the inflammation is happening, it’s quite painful.  I’ve been doing Taoist Tai Chi® ever since I was first diagnosed in 1988, and that’s what I mostly use to manage the pain and the illness.  It keeps me moving … if I don’t move, I seize […]
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month

Having Cystic Fibrosis, my lungs get very clogged. Whenever I have a coughing spell I can calm myself with my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. I really think it has helped me live as long as I have. ~Laurie
Developing Roots

Developing Roots

A recent online Taoist Tai Chi® arts session has given me tears of gratefulness. This purification journey of body, mind and soul is globally needed, especially in such testing times.   The generous hearts of Master Moy, the directors, officers and participants bond us together to face the pandemic.   Their kindness, heart-felt generosity, wisdom, resources and […]
A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

“My name is Assunta and I’ve had Parkinson’s disease for almost 40 years. I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts for almost as long. I knew after my first class that the Taoist Tai Chi® arts were helping me. I first became stronger emotionally and then physically. Everything improved and I was better able […]
Building a Fairer Healthier World

Building a Fairer Healthier World

The ancient Chinese believed that true health comes when body, mind and spirit work together in harmony. Taoist Tai Chi® arts grew out of this tradition and are a path of ultimate transformation. Taoist Training is profoundly beneficial for health. Taoist Tai Chi® practice helps the mind be calm and clear yet creative and dynamic, […]
Rapid Recovery after Kidney Transplant

Rapid Recovery after Kidney Transplant

    In 2019 I had been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts for 22 years; it is also the year I had a full medical check including scans, bloodwork, and psychological assessment in hopes of donating a kidney to my husband.  Through the years of my Taoist Tai Chi® practice, I noticed the physical benefits […]
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