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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Saturday Virtual Practice

Saturday Virtual Practice

The Saturday Taoist Tai Chi® arts virtual sessions have been instrumental in deepening my understanding of the organization, his teachings, and my own personal practice. Through these sessions and my practice I have come to realize my training not only contributes to my physical well-being, but is relevant to everything in my daily life, allowing […]
Une marche à la fois / One step at a time

Une marche à la fois / One step at a time

Après une période de convalescence, j’ai été en mesure de recommencer à prendre des marches. Au bas de cet escalier, j’ai hésité… Mon conjoint m’a alors encouragée en me disant que je n’avais qu’à monter une marche à la fois. Arrivée en haut, j’ai fait le lien avec ma pratique des arts Tai Chi Taoïste®. […]
Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

Wishing peace, love and joy to all, and across the world.Season’s greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.    Paix, amour et joie à chacun, partout dans le monde. L’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux.  
Laisser tomber ses résistances / Letting go of resistance

Laisser tomber ses résistances / Letting go of resistance

Avant la pandémie, ma pratique personnelle consistait à intégrer les instructions et les corrections reçues lors des classes précédentes et à observer la nouvelle sensation. Maintenant, avec les sages conseils de nos directeurs de laisser aller, de se faire confiance, d’être constante, j’investigue d’abord mes sensations sans consigne précise. Je suis plus observatrice qu’actrice. Parfois […]
A path of balance

A path of balance

Eighteen years ago I began Taoist Tai Chi® practice with the goal of improving my physical well being. Tai chi was recommended to me as an exercise I could attempt even though I was extremely ill with a progressive liver disease and the many associated symptoms caused by a failing liver. I had no idea […]
Garder le cap / Stay on track

Garder le cap / Stay on track

Tout comme l’eau qui trace son chemin, j’avance doucement, pas à pas en allant toujours de l’avant et en progressant avec les arts Tai Chi Taoïste® qui me montrent à garder le cap face aux obstacles.   Just like water running its course, I move slowly, step by step, always going forward, progressing through my practice […]
International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ recognizes the contributions of its participants living with disabilities, participants who are integral to the fabric of our community. We invite persons of all abilities to explore the potential for growth available to everyone through practice of the Taoist arts. 
A New Body

A New Body

I am so thankful to Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™ every day.  I had both of my hips replaced 10+ years ago and last summer I was up on the cottage roof laying down new shingles.  What I have discovered over the years is that the surgeries removed the damaged and painful surfaces, but […]
Keeping Balance at 93

Keeping Balance at 93

I am 93 years old.  Twelve years ago, I was having a difficult time dealing with the passing of my wife.  My daughter suggested I try tai chi.  She thought the exercise, and getting out and meeting new people, would help me deal with the grief. I found the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism […]
Lung Cancer Awareness

Lung Cancer Awareness

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011. Shortly after, I had surgery to remove part of my lungs, which left me in a lot of pain. When I started practicing the Taoist Tai Chi® arts, a new life started for me. Now I feel wonderful!  ~Maria  
Festival of the Lord of the Third Season

Festival of the Lord of the Third Season

Today, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism gathered to chant the Three Seasons Scripture to commemorate the Festival of the Lord of the Third Season. Chanting offers a way to seek protection and relief from water disasters.  Aujourd’hui, des participants de l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok se sont rassemblés pour chanter le […]


Practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts helps me treat everyone and everything in my life with respect, thoughtfulness and gratitude. Whenever I’m having a difficult time, I turn to my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. Almost immediately I start to feel reverence again towards the people around me, my home, my garden, my cooking. ~Galina
Osteoporosis Awareness Month

Osteoporosis Awareness Month

At 56, when I had been practicing the Taoist Tai Chi® arts for 6 months, I had a baseline bone density test. I’m now 66 and my doctor ordered a new test. As we age, we can expect to see a decrease in bone density. I was very pleased with my results: my bone density […]
Staying social

Staying social

Les  rencontres virtuelles m’aident à rester active au niveau social, elles m’aident à briser l’isolement. Même si je ne prends pas la parole, je vois les autres personnes, leurs témoignages et leurs enseignements me font du bien. J’ai alors un sentiment agréable d’apaisement, je ressens de la joie.   Virtual meetings help me stay socially […]
World Stroke Day

World Stroke Day

14 years ago I had 9 strokes.  I couldn’t stand, walk, talk, see or eat.  I had to start all over again. My Taoist Tai Chi®  practice has helped me to build balance and strength, to lose fear and to do all the functions of life. It has given me my life back!~ Sasha
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