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The Tiger's Mouth Blog

Wong Dai Sin Festival

Wong Dai Sin Festival

  Participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism around the world chanted together on September 29 to celebrate the festival of Wong Dai Sin. He was a simple shepherd who displayed great virtue and is said to have cultivated immortality by practising the Taoist Arts. His story tells us that with a good heart […]
World Heart Day

World Heart Day

I had a 97% blocked aortic artery. My Taoist Tai ChiⓇ practice helped me mentally, to find the calmness to prepare for the surgery. The physical practice kept me moving well so I’d have the best outcome. Then after the surgery I was out of the hospital faster than many people much younger than me! […]
L’équilibre / Balance

L’équilibre / Balance

Parmi trois des grandes passions qui me procurent joie, quiétude et réconfort, les arts Tai Chi TaoïsteⓇ offrent quelque chose de supplémentaire. C’est la communauté de participants, l’ingrédient important qui m’apporte l’équilibre. Among the three great passions that give me joy, quietness and comfort, Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts offer something extra. It is the community […]
Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival

On September 21 participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism chanted in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The autumn moon is a time when families and friends come together to appreciate what we received over the past year. Together, while enjoying mooncakes, we wish each other good health and longevity.
International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism wishes peace and harmony to all peoples of the world on this International Day of Peace. En cette Journée internationale de la paix, l’Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok souhaite paix et harmonie à tous les peuples de la Terre.
Arthritis Awareness

Arthritis Awareness

My arthritis is called ankylosing spondylitis and it affects my spine. When the inflammation is happening, it’s very painful.  
 I’ve been doing Taoist Tai Chi® arts ever since I was first diagnosed, and that’s what I mostly use to manage the pain.  It keeps me moving … and if I don’t move, I seize up. […]


Lorsque je prépare le repas, j’applique les principes enseignés dans les arts Tai Chi Taoïste®. Je garde la posture de mon corps alignée, droit, ce qui permet à mon thorax d’être ouvert et à mes épaules d’être détendues. Ce simple détail fait disparaître mon mal de dos. When I prepare meals, I apply the principles […]
Darkness and Light

Darkness and Light

Out of darkness comes light:  If the quarantine, lockdown or isolation due to Covid-19 is the darkness, then the light is the cultivation and growth of my personal practice of the Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts. While our in-person sessions are on hold, the continued urging by the leadership of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism […]


J’ai besoin de quiétude, d’harmonie pour que les changements se produisent à l’intérieur de mon être. Mon corps se prédispose alors à recevoir de nouvelles consignes, de nouvelles directions, pour enregistrer le mouvement, la sensation, le changement intérieur.   I have calm and a feeling of harmony to allow changes to take place within me. […]
Increased Energy

Increased Energy

I take prescription medication that suppresses central nervous system activity, making it hard for me to get up in the morning. In BC, the online chanting and Board of Directors discussions take place on Saturday mornings at 6:30 am. When the suspension of in-person activities happened, I was excited to have the opportunity to chant […]
All Souls Festival 16 – Synopsis

All Souls Festival 16 – Synopsis

Throughout the vast world  May there be no anxiety and no hindrance. The cycles of death and life go on; What else could there be? If you go when you must go, How could you not be at ease? Turn your mind to the Tao And deliverance will quickly come!     Chant encouraging souls of the departed to let go of […]
All Souls Festival 14 – Cymbals

All Souls Festival 14 – Cymbals

The last day of All Souls Festival brought together the caring intention of a thousand people chanting for the world and for those who have passed away. The ceremony leader reads a notice to the multitude of gathered souls, marked with a loud crash of cymbals!   La dernière journée du Festival de toutes les âmes […]
All Souls Festival 13 – Memorial Altar Offerings

All Souls Festival 13 – Memorial Altar Offerings

In traditional Taoist belief, souls of the dead continue to need care from those in the world of living. Offerings to them include items for daily use such as food, shelter, clothing and money.     Selon les croyances traditionnelles taoïstes, l’âme du défunt continue d’avoir besoin des soins du monde des vivants. Les offrandes […]
All Souls Festival 12 – Incense

All Souls Festival 12 – Incense

There is a Chinese saying that “When the dead are at peace, then the living shall prosper.” By honouring and aiding the dead during the All Souls Festival, we hope to reduce suffering and to bring blessings in the worlds of the living and the dead.  Incense offerings during the All Souls Festival comfort the […]
All Souls Festival 11 – Preparing

All Souls Festival 11 – Preparing

  As we prepare for All Souls Festival we compose ourselves We approach the tasks with respectful intention Carefully, and with reverence we place items on the altar Flowers, fruit, Jai, tea, wine We light incense It is muted, quiet We chant At closing it is joyful.  Can I approach my life with the same respectful intention and  preparation?    Pour nous […]
All Souls Festival 10 – Bringing Peace

All Souls Festival 10 – Bringing Peace

All Souls Festival is a chance to bring peace to the countless souls through the ages who have died in circumstances of great suffering and have no one to care for them.   Le Festival de toutes les âmes est l’occasion d’apporter la paix aux innombrables âmes de ceux décédés dans la souffrance à travers […]
All Souls Festival 9 – Goon Yam, Deity of Compassion

All Souls Festival 9 – Goon Yam, Deity of Compassion

Goon Yam, Deity of Compassion, cares for all. “She seeks out and responds to the cries of the worldMoving her spirit and revealing her compassionHer enlightened virtue towers over allAnd her power is deep beyond measureThe netherworld awakens to receive the gift of deliveranceAll beings come to health and receive the gift of life”   […]
All Souls Festival 8 – Chanting

All Souls Festival 8 – Chanting

All Souls Festival gives souls a chance to listen to the wisdom of the sutras chanted during the days of the festival and become free by resolving any attachments, entanglements, or conflicts they had during their lifetimes.   Le Festival de toutes les âmes donne aux défunts l’occasion d’écouter la sagesse des soutras psalmodiés et de […]
All Souls Festival 7 – Caring

All Souls Festival 7 – Caring

  Caring is at the heart of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. It was deeply felt on day one of All Souls Festival when a thousand people from 26 countries brought their intention together chanting for the world and for those who have passed away.           L’Institut de taoïsme Fung […]
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