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International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario

The International Centre is foundational in the development and culture of our organization. Here, participants from around the world gather to deeply cultivate body, mind and spirit at regular Taoist retreats and throughout the year.

The Centre was established in 1984 by Master Moy Lin Shin and many dedicated volunteers. It expresses the enthusiastic support and generosity of all our participants and has become a model for our many centres. Located on the beautiful Niagara Escarpment, the 100-acre grounds include practice halls, temples and accommodation. Participants volunteer and train together to deepen their understanding of the Taoist arts.

Visitors are always welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful temples and peaceful grounds.

See a map of the Centre

Contact the International Centre

International Centre
248305 5 Sideroad
Mono, Ontario L9W 6L2

Tel: +1.519.941.5981
Fax: +1.519.941.4542

Join us on a tour of our International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario.

Regional Centres Across Canada

Pacific Region Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia

Western Region Centre, Calgary, Alberta

What practitioners are saying about the International Centre near Orangeville

Through volunteering, we learned that cultivating the heart is having good intentions. It speaks of the importance of the intention: the task itself is only a path, what counts the most is the intention we put in it.

While volunteering at the International Centre near Orangeville, one of our main tasks consisted in routine maintenance and cleaning the meditation suites. It might seem simple from an outside observer, but our intention was to make it a welcoming place for the next person who would be staying in Orangeville.

We came back home with a deep feeling of quietness, similar to what we feel after Taoist Tai Chi retreats.

– Christiane and Marc, Québec City

Volunteering at the International Centre was very revitalizing. Having a daily ritual helped calm my mind.

Opening and closing the temples became very soothing.  My favorite part was hitting the gong 36 times at the opening, and hearing and watching all the birds start flying about wildly with the first gong.  I loved feeling the vibration of the drum travel through my body at the end of closing. I cooked my first meal in the kitchen, which has always scared the ‘heck’ out of me!

I learned to recognize a seed to be preserved over the winter and got a real kick out of squeezing the seeds out of the pods once I knew what I was doing…

Sunday seems to be the busiest day with visitors. Once they had left for the day, I enjoyed how a quiet peace settled over the property again.

The centre is a very special place… It was a haven in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and I am very grateful.

– Denise, Ontario

Staying at the centre, I do my practice. I help as much as I can with chores and tasks, and I still feel the same as if I were attending a series of workshops. The source is here, Taoist Tai Chi® arts are practiced here, and we can get better here.

It is such a precious gift being able to come to our International Centre and train like this. Thank you, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism and the Board of Directors. Thank you for making this available to all of us.

My husband drives me to the Centre regularly for my ongoing stay of four to five days per week. When I arrive at the Centre, unpack, and settle in, a sense of peace and stillness envelop me. I help by opening some of the temples and this has a way of immediately centering me. My diaphragm and abdomen drop. I come alive inside.

After, I make my way over to the practice hall from the Farmhouse and I begin my daily practice with some toryu. They feel solid. I can feel the circulation build, my bones, soft tissue, and insides all responding together. The deep relaxation and energy even more pronounced here at the International Centre than at home. The sense of health returning and my mind letting go of the fear and what if’s that come with complicated illness. This gift of being able to spend days and chunks of weeks here just working on building my strength and health back up. Twenty-five years of having my body, mind and spirit deeply respond to the Taoist Tai Chi® arts that our founder Master Moy Lin Shin left us.

“Thank Goodness,” I think, “that I have this in my life.”

A long time ago, I would go to D’Arcy Street to see Master Moy three to five days a week as part of my treatment plan for health issues. Sometimes Master Moy would go away for several weeks to teach a workshop. Daisy Francis, who Master Moy was also helping, told me to make sure I still came to see Master Moy even if he was away. So, I did. Another man who also would visit Master Moy dropped by and asked me why I was still coming down from north of the city three to five times a week if Master Moy was not even there. I was young, but I knew that coming and practicing even when alone was crucial. In fact, the alone practice had me progress and improve just as if he was in the room.

It is the same at the Centre. I am alone. I have no physical instructor. I am not attending a class. There is no one by my side holding my hand teaching me and yet I nevertheless come week after week. Week after week, I improve and get stronger.

– Mary, Ontario

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