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Blogue de la Bouche du tigre

International Day of Friendship

International Day of Friendship

With two International Centres in North America and several European Centres, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism and its affiliates regularly hosted events, in pre-pandemic days, with participants from up to 26 countries around the world in attendance.  Cross border and cross cultural friendships grounded in the training grew organically in these welcoming environments.  With […]
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Today  participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Through chanting together our intention is to bring greater peace and harmony to the world.  
All Souls Festival 1 – Folding Paper Money

All Souls Festival 1 – Folding Paper Money

All Souls Festival is one of the most important times of year in the Taoist calendar. It provides an opportunity for the living to honour those who have passed away. Volunteers prepare paper offerings for the souls of the departed in the Realm of Yin. FLK All Souls Festival chanting ceremonies will take place virtually this […]
Working in Harmony

Working in Harmony

“When I’m playing, everything is working in harmony. Mind, body, music. Harmony and dissonance are so important in music. Taoist Tai Chi® practice has enriched my idea of harmony and everything working together. I can feel when it’s all coming together. » ~Oren
Joy in Music

Joy in Music

Before doing Taoist Tai Chi® arts I played the violin by deciding how I wanted the music to sound.  I added a lot of ornamentation on top of the melody, which didn’t always follow the underlying form.  The effort to make the music sound a certain way would often lead to neck and shoulder stiffness. […]


Le temps passe, la pratique persiste et s’adapte à mes besoins changeants.Un mouvement pour apaiser mon esprit lorsqu’il est agitéUn mouvement pour l’énergiser et le clarifier Un mouvement pour m’enraciner et trouver mon équilibreUn mouvement pour développer ma force et mon alignementUn autre pour me contacter profondément, dans la douceur.Les mouvements du corps, du coeur et […]
My Reflections

My Reflections

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2020. Participants were encouraged to think about 50 reasons for practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts. As I reflect on my years of Taoist Tai Chi® practice, physical benefits such as better balance and strength come to my mind. I am still quite flexible despite […]
Finding Joy

Finding Joy

Eyes gazing softly out, joy and tranquility enter my Taoist Tai ChiⓇ practice allowing my body to soften, the softness allowing my body to open. Le regard au loin, joie et tranquillité entrent dans ma pratique Tai Chi TaoïsteⓇ, permettant à mon corps de s’adoucir, la douceur permettant à mon corps de s’ouvrir. ~Denise


Au moment où toutes les classes ont été interrompues, nos directeurs ont été rassurants avec des consignes simples et nous ont offert l’opportunité de pratiquer le chanting.  J’ai voulu en découvrir les bienfaits.  Après quelques semaines, à ma grande surprise, aux bienfaits physiques (posture, concentration, voix plus forte), s’est ajoutée la joie de chanter pour […]
Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

La quiétude n’est pas facile à atteindre pour moi. La pratique Tai Chi Taoïste® et le lâcher prise m’aident à y avoir accès et à l’intégrer en profondeur. Attaining peace of mind is not easy for me. Taoist Tai Chi® practice and letting go help me to access and integrate it more deeply.~Christine
Trust yourself and just Do

Trust yourself and just Do

Taoist Tai Chi® practice is just so part of my life that it affects everything, including my art. I think creativity requires an openness, and this practice develops the strength and balance for openness, both physically and mentally. The practice helps clear my mind, helps stop worrying and calms me physically and mentally so that I […]


La pratique Tai Chi Taoiste® relieJe sens qu’elle crée un pont dans mon corpsOù commence mon bras ? où finit-il?Un pont entre mes os, mes tendons, mes fascias… entre mes pieds et mes mainsEntre mon corps, mon coeur et mon espritEntre les principes féminins et masculins qui m’habitentEntre le Yin et le YangEntre la terre […]
Southern Dipper Festival

Southern Dipper Festival

Today we celebrated the Southern Dipper Festival virtually with 1000 people from 26 countries. The Southern Dipper, together with the Northern Dipper, grants longevity. Chanting together expresses our intention to bring health and longevity to all the people of the world.  
Immortal Lü Festival

Immortal Lü Festival

Today practitioners of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts from around the world celebrated the Festival of Immortal Lü, who represents the cultivation of Taoist wisdom and the integration of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
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