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Blogue de la Bouche du tigre

Central Region Holiday Season Banquet 2019

Central Region Holiday Season Banquet 2019

  The Central Region of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism held our 2019 Holiday Season Banquet at the Dragon Boat Fusion Cuisine Restaurant on December 4th. Over 200 participants and invited guests enjoyed a festive evening of live music, a visit from Santa, and delicious Chinese food. Supportive speeches by dignitaries and FLK officials […]
Holiday Season Banquet: Testimonial & Gratitude

Holiday Season Banquet: Testimonial & Gratitude

Dear International Board of Directors, I would never know I could offer a testimonial speech if I hadn’t been invited to do so. Thank you for the encouragement: it’s good therapy and a healing process for me to share! Before I spoke at the Holiday Banquet, I stepped outside the restaurant to get fresh air and […]
Fall Prevention and the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Fall Prevention and the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

The Fall Prevention Open Houses presented in the Barrie and Orillia branches on November 8th and November 12th were both well attended. These open houses were held in celebration of International Seniors’ Day, and in affiliation with Fall Prevention Week. During the demonstration of the Tai Chi Set by ambulatory and seated participants, information was […]
Students visit Wong Dai Sin Temple as part of World Religions Tour

Students visit Wong Dai Sin Temple as part of World Religions Tour

Over 80 students, staff and chaplain from Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School came Tuesday, October 29 for a visit at Wong Dai Sin Temple. Our temple was their first stop in the World Religions exploration tour in Toronto. With great help from our Bathurst, Markham and Durham location representatives, we passed on a glimpse of […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at the Toronto Zoomer Show

Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at the Toronto Zoomer Show

Many participants from various Toronto Branch locations attended our Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism booth at the October 26th and 27th Zoomer show. The Zoomer  Show is Canada’s largest consumer and lifestyle expo for women and men 45 years +. Our booth was located in the “Active” section with plenty of space to demonstrate the Taoist […]
Wong Dai Sin Temple & Doors Open Markham

Wong Dai Sin Temple & Doors Open Markham

The Wong Dai Sin Temple at 378 Steeles Avenue East in Thornhill was invited by the City of Markham to be part of Doors Open Markham, an annual event held this year on September 7. We received 565 visitors throughout the day! Experienced volunteers worked diligently to answer questions regarding temple service, displays and the Taoist […]
Calgary Work Bee with Taoist Tai Chi® arts

Calgary Work Bee with Taoist Tai Chi® arts

  Calgary Work Bee with Taoist Tai Chi® arts Early summer was a busy time at Calgary Branch. As a 40th Anniversary project, several participants (and one non-participant!) volunteered to rejuvenate the outdoor trim at our main location. We applied our Taoist Tai Chi® training to the preparation. We did wave hands to wash the […]
Calgary Location participates in the Stampede Prelude

Calgary Location participates in the Stampede Prelude

For the past seven years, Calgary participants have taken Taoist Tai Chi® arts to the street by participating in the Prelude of the Calgary Stampede Parade. This year, a little rain could not dampen the spirits and smiles of forty dedicated participants on July 5th. Donning rain ponchos, we kept ourselves warm by practicing together […]
Ottawa City Hall Demos of the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Ottawa City Hall Demos of the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Every Wednesday during the month of August, participants from the Ottawa Branch got together in front of City Hall for a lunch-hour demonstration of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts, as part of the City of Ottawa summer program. People passing through, nearby office workers and others interested in our practice were introduced to the first […]
Chanting for All Souls in Longueuil

Chanting for All Souls in Longueuil

Saturday, August 10, at the Eastern regional center, in Longueuil, we participated in All Souls Festival with a Chanting ceremony. Together we raised our voices in harmony on the steady cadence of the fish to offer comfort and paper money for all hungry souls. Samedi le 10 août, au centre régional de l’Est, à Longueuil, […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts on the Beach

Taoist Tai Chi® Arts on the Beach

On July 19th, the Wasaga Beach location hosted a Collingwood Branch class at the beach as part of the provincial “Healthy Parks Healthy People” 2019 initiative. It was a fiercely hot and humid day, with dark black stormy clouds threatening to the west.  In the heat, we did a set on the beach and then […]
Outdoor Demo by the Ottawa Branch

Outdoor Demo by the Ottawa Branch

On Saturday, July 13, participants of the Ottawa Branch held a demonstration of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts at Canadensis: The Garden of Canada. This botanical garden is in the early stages of development but destined to become a key tourist attraction in Canada’s Capital Region. Although rain had been forecast, we awoke to brilliant sunshine […]
Niagara Branch Outdoor Demo

Niagara Branch Outdoor Demo

At Rennie Park in St. Catharines, Niagara Branch participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism shared information about our organization, demonstrated some moves and encouraged young and old, and tall and small to give Taoist Tai Chi® arts a try. It was a beautiful day and an excellent way to celebrate Canada day.
Windsor Branch 30th Anniversary Social Celebration

Windsor Branch 30th Anniversary Social Celebration

  On June 22, 2019, participants, family and friends from Windsor, Detroit, Toledo and Sarnia came together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Taoist Tai Chi® arts at the Windsor branch. There were presentations about the history of the organization, Mr. Moy Lin Shin, and the past, present and future goals of this branch. Everyone […]
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