A Cure for Worry

The Directors’ advice to develop our self-practice is helping to keep me strong and is my cure for daily worry during this pandemic. This has also been a time of reflection which has led me to realize how important volunteering within this organization is.  It continues to teach me invaluable lessons in developing inner strength, listening more, talking less, an awareness of inner feelings, harmony within, connection to others and the universe itself.  Practicing the set, meditating or chanting with a focus on these inner feelings reduces anxiety and I can embrace the stillness within. The Saturday morning chanting sessions and discussions deepen my understanding of the gifts we are being given. As volunteers we have the privilege of helping others. I thank the directors and the organization for this opportunity, for continuous learning, and for deepening my understanding of our practice.

Thank you so much

“I returned to Taoist Tai Chi® practice after my husband passed needing a commitment and some physical activity.  Aside from all of the usual physical benefits, I have come to realize my practice has helped me to perceive my daily reality differently and now interact in it and with it in a much more balanced way, now viewing change as an opportunity! I am ever grateful to Master Moy and the Board of Directors for continuing to pass on the Teachings and everyday look forward to more opening and a deeper understanding of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts and myself. Thank you so very much everyone.”   

Relief from Chronic Pain

“I am so grateful for the training I receive from FLK. The practice relieved me from chronic back pain and freed up my frozen shoulders (both things being so life-interfering)!  My body felt twenty years younger! Not only that though. It has permeated into my daily living and moving. I turn my body in a way that is not harmful — no more twisting.  I walk tall, centered and balanced, with eyes looking out — even on the icy roads. I sit taller with an expanding spine – no more slouching. I set my feet properly, using the danyu to lift or pick up things. I am so aware now of how to move in a way that doesn’t damage me or cause me pain. Thank you, thank you, Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi®.”  

Feel more Confident

I am grateful for the message that we are responsible for our own health and that the practice of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts can relieve pressure on our public health care system. For the realization that through volunteering I improve my health, and for the gift that now as a senior I feel more confident going out into the world, more relevant, capable and independent. Chanting has helped me focus, relax and find a strength from inside. I am also grateful that the Tao Te Ching is being discussed in the Saturday classes. The verses are profound, beautiful prose. 

Deepest Gratitude

“Please allow me to express my deepest gratitude for each of the leaders’ dedication, sharing with us your knowledge, experience and understanding of Master Moy’s legacy, helping and guide us to transform into a better person to walk forward daily with our heads held high in this forever changing and complicated world.

After I began to explore using them in my daily life, I discovered the meaning of “it is more than just a set of 108 movement”.

When I do the actual moves, my mind is fully engaged in feeling what’s happening in my body. With the stillness and clarity of mindfulness, I am able to capture the sensation in my whole body talking to me with the moves in the details, great joys of accomplishment.”


Taoist Tai Chi® arts have become a pretty big part of my life. I’ve found the upshot of solo practise is that I can really concentrate on listening to my body to instruct me on how things are feeling and work on certain areas at my own pace. I feel as though, in the absence of classes, there is an opportunity to work with what I’ve learned up till now, remembering the instructions and cementing my Tai Chi before moving onto deeper levels.

I’m very grateful that I have Taoist Tai Chi® arts in my life.”

Internal Calm

“Practicing by myself has been challenging but revealed many gifts. Throughout my life, many people have commented that I am always so calm. This puzzled me because what I am often feeling, especially in interactions with others, is anxiety. The appearance of calm was external. With many weeks of individual practice, I have been able to match the external with a more clear, quiet and calm internal experience. I decided it is okay to just enjoy the feeling of the form and weave this feeling into all that I do. I thank our leaders at Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism for their wisdom in giving this direction.”

Awakening to Possibilities

“I have been given the instruction to practice individually, and in doing so am finding my way by listening to all that arises within. I am finding strength in the gentleness, stillness in the quiet and feel my heart stirring and awakening to unlimited possibilities.

Knowing our organisation is not rushing, is patient, is caring and balancing the various needs of participants, no matter external pressures, is showing strength and resolve in an uncertain time for humanity. I am grateful beyond measure.

When we gather again, we will have an even stronger foundation, one that has been built on the work of self discovery, exploration and deeper understanding of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism™️ and Taoist Tai Chi® arts in our lives.”

Tai Chi ‘Colouring’

“Having practised Taoist Tai Chi® for 13 years, I always found myself feeling restricted in an “Arts” sense. I considered myself following instructions well and achieved what was introduced and taught, but at times felt as if I was tracing coloring books with restricted colour scheme. Since the Staying Home practices started in March, my mind and body changed completely. I felt the sense of Stillness in my body and quietness in my mind, but FREE in spirit. I created my “paintings” my way with learned Taoist principles as guidelines. This is the First time I truly understand to Let go with what I had, then I can be Myself. The Saturday chantings are an added Sweet taste to the experience, I am still trying to “absorb” more of the deeper feeling.

Thank you to ALL the instructors I have met during these years at FLK, for ALL the instructions you ALL have given me, but most of ALL: Thank you for your Patience with me. I am deeply appreciative.”

Deep Appreciation

“I want to share my deep appreciation for the Saturday morning chanting and discussion Zoom sessions. The opportunity to participate in chanting is wonderful both for the physical benefits – relaxing my back, expanding my breathing, the calming effect – but also to gain confidence while practicing unheard for when we come back together.

I have found it challenging to make the time to practice Tai Chi at home and find that the Saturday sessions inspire me each week to practice. Thank you. Hearing Sandra speak was a great reminder of the effort some folks are making to join – late Saturday night in Australia.

Thank you to the organization’s leaders, to all the backend/administrative folks, and to the participants worldwide.”

Lighter and more Confident

“Like many others I am immensely enjoying this time to practice on my own and to chant and listen to the talks on Saturday. 

This has been a very trying semester… and I was finding myself becoming anxious trying to meet everyone’s expectations and worrying over what would happen if I couldn’t.

(However), comments about sensing people and situations led me to take a step back and really try to see the situation for what it was, without my filters… The quote from Chuang-tzu about listening with your heart helped me get out of my head and to really listen…to act from my heart and to trust myself and the rightness of my intentions.

 As a result, I feel lighter, more confident, less worried, physically and emotionally stronger. My thinking is clearer and more free. I cannot find the words to fully express the changes I have experienced or my gratitude.”